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INFO : 0470/74.06.02
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  • Jollein Bib Jollein Animals olive green

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    15,00 Incl. tax

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    • Article code: 029-869-67043

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    • Gebruik nu uw korting.
    • Code : 10%
    • Méér dan 35 jaar uw Baby-Shop !
    • INFO : 0470/74.06.02

    Product description


    The Jollein waterproof long-sleeved bib provides extra protection for your little one's clothes while eating! Thanks to the waterproof fabric, your little one's clothes will stay clean.

    This bib has long sleeves with elastic bands at the ends, which ensures that the bib stays in place. It also has an adjustable Velcro closure.

    Because the bib has long sleeves, it is also perfect to use as an apron while (finger) painting or crafting. The fun print also brightens things up!

    COCINELLA / 5 - 4,9 Reviews @ GOOGLE