Uw korting gebruik code : 10%
Baby - Speciaalzaak.
Méér dan 35 jaar uw Baby-Shop !
INFO : 0470/74.06.02
  • English
  • Baghera Toy Car Baghera

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    39,00 Incl. tax

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    • Article code: 480

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    • 1-3 days
    • Uw korting gebruik code : 10%
    • Baby - Speciaalzaak.
    • Méér dan 35 jaar uw Baby-Shop !
    • INFO : 0470/74.06.02

    Product description


    Built with ABS, a very solid material, our racing cars are shock resistant. And that's a good thing, because the little toy cars are generally not spared by the little ones. Collisions, falls, all terrain circuits, he or she experiences everything, we know that.

    Let's go on an adventure with our red racing car. The small old-timer for children from 1 year. And for adults up to 99 years old!

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