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INFO : 0470/74.06.02
  • English
  • Jollein Sleeping bag 60cm Jollein Biscuit

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    49,99 Incl. tax

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    • Article code: 015-410-67020

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    • 1-3 Weeks
    • Uw korting gebruik code : 10%
    • Baby - Speciaalzaak.
    • Méér dan 35 jaar uw Baby-Shop !
    • INFO : 0470/74.06.02

    Product description


    - Size: 60cm ( 0 - 3 months )

    - Composition: The sleeping bag is made of 100% cotton (jersey).

    This is the perfect sleeping bag for your newborn. With the 4-season sleeping bag you can easily transform it from a winter sleeping bag into a summer sleeping bag thanks to the removable sleeping bag on the inside. The print is subtle and the sleeping bag feels nice and soft. This way you ensure warm and comfortable nights and your baby will calm down. Freedom of movement is limited by a sleeping bag and it gives a feeling of security. This way, your active baby will never toss around naked. Each sleeping bag part has its own TOG value. When using two parts and sleeves it is a winter sleeping bag with a TOG value of 3.5, with only the outer layer it has a TOG value of 2.5 and with only the inner layer you have a TOG value of 0.5.

    COCINELLA / 5 - 4,9 Reviews @ GOOGLE