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INFO : 0470/74.06.02
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  • Vipack House bed 90x200cm Vipack Dallas collection

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    259,00 Incl. tax

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    • Article code: DALP9014

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    • Free delivery Belgium
    • Uw korting gebruik code : 10%
    • Baby - Speciaalzaak.
    • Méér dan 35 jaar uw Baby-Shop !
    • INFO : 0470/74.06.02

    Product description


    The DALLAS house bed (90 x 200 cm) in white is made of solid pine. The playful design adds an extra touch to any child's room. This bed has a safety rail on 3 sides that can serve as a fall protection, but is also ideal as a bench. Make it extra cozy with colorful cushions, blankets and a string of lights as decoration.

    COCINELLA / 5 - 4,9 Reviews @ GOOGLE