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INFO : 0470/74.06.02
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  • Taf Toys Urban Garden Developmental Activity Center Taf toys

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    43,00 Incl. tax

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    • Article code: 13115-TAF

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    • Code : 10%
    • Méér dan 35 jaar uw Baby-Shop !
    • INFO : 0470/74.06.02

    Product description

    Taf Toys

    The Urban Garden activity center with music and light grows with your baby and is suitable for 3 stages of development. The Developmental Activity Center contains 13 developmental activities: music and light-up bunny, peek-a-boo activities, a strong with colorful ribbons and a rattling ball, a rattle caterpillar, baby-safe mirror, a maze with colorful rings, a hedgehog with a soft structure and a beet teething ring. Playing with the different activities stimulates the development of baby's senses, fine and gross motor skills and eye-hand coordination. The activity center can be attached to the side of the crib or playpen or your child can play with it while lying (tummy) or sitting. Also ideal for playing together and thus increasing the interaction between parent and child.

    Dimensions: 43.00 X 24.00 X 4.50 cm

    COCINELLA / 5 - 4,9 Reviews @ GOOGLE