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  • Doomoo Warm-up cuddly toy Doomoo Easy Dream

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    22,00 Incl. tax

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    • Code : 10%
    • Méér dan 35 jaar uw Baby-Shop !
    • INFO : 0470/74.06.02

    Product description


    Goodbye colic, hello sweet dreams! Relieving your baby’s painful colic has never been easier. The Easy Dream, made from organic cotton, contains a removable heating pad filled with rapeseed and lavender. The comforting warmth has an immediate calming effect on your baby’s sore tummy, while the lavender spreads a pleasant scent throughout the room. The handy strap ensures that the heating pad stays in place on your baby’s tummy.

    Remove the inner heating pad from the cuddly toy and heat it together with a glass of water in the microwave for 45 seconds at 700 watts. Remove the pad from the microwave and check the temperature. If the pad is not warm enough, you can heat it in the microwave for another 15 seconds.

    Place a glass of water in the microwave while you heat the seed pad.


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